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Giant's Causeway

Giant’s Causeway & Boat Tour, Northern Ireland

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After staying overnight at The Causeway Hotel we started the day with a hearty breakfast in the hotel’s elegant dining room to ready ourselves for an action packed day exploring the Giant’s Causeway and surrounding coastline.

Restaurant, Causeway Hotel, Northern Ireland
Breakfast served in the hotel’s restaurant

After returning to our room and checking out we didn’t have far to go as The Causeway Hotel is perfectly located right beside The Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre.  Access is free of charge for hotel guests (normally £12.50 unless a National Trust member) with free parking also available for the remainder of the day after check out.

The Giant's Causeway Visitor Centre
The Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre next to the hotel

This recently built state of the art visitor centre contains an interactive section about the formation of the Giant’s Causeway and the legends surrounding it, together with a large gift shop and cafe.  Tickets include audio guides that can be used whilst walking around the causeway itself.

Giant's Causeway Visitor Centre
Gifts on sale in the Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre

Although the Giant’s Causeway is managed by the National Trust there is actually no charge to view the hexagonal basalt columns.  It’s just a 20 minute downhill walk from the side of the visitor centre to the causeway but for those who are unable or prefer not to walk, a shuttle bus service usually operates from the car park at a nominal charge.

Walking down the path to the Giant's Causeway
Walking down the path to the Giant’s Causeway

We enjoyed wandering along the rocky coastline towards the main part of the causeway which is spread over a relatively small area.  There are over 40,000 basalt columns and visitors are permitted to leave the main path and walk over them though care must be taken as they can be quite slippery in places.

Hexagonal shaped basalt rock formations on the Giant's Causeway
Hexagonal shaped basalt rock formations on the Giant’s Causeway

The spectacular columns developed by a natural formation between 50 to 60 million years ago when a flood of lava oozed from fissures in the earth.  When the molten rock cooled and contracted it cracked into a series of 40,000 columns most of which being the near perfect hexagonal shape that we see today.

Giant's Causeway
Giant’s Causeway

Legend however has it that Finn McCool, the Irish giant, built the causeway to cross over to Scotland and its possible to believe that there was once a causeway as similar basalt columns can be seen around Fingal’s Cave in Scotland.  Whatever you wish to believe, the Giant’s Causeway is a natural wonder and a truly wonderful place to visit.

Early morning with the Giant's Causeway to ourselves
Early morning with the Giant’s Causeway to ourselves

As we returned to our car, coach parties were just beginning to arrive and I imagine the Causeway gets very busy later in the day.  Staying within walking distance had definitely had its advantages, allowing us to see the World Heritage Site before the bulk of crowds arrived for the day.

The Bushmill's Inn on the Causeway Coast
The Bushmill’s Inn on the Causeway Coast

It had been a showery morning so we were soon warm and dry eating lunch in the Bushmills Inn a mere three miles down the road.  This charming atmospheric former coaching inn dates from the 1600’s and is yet another lovely place to stay whilst touring the Causeway Coast.  With its inglenook fireplaces surrounded by comfortable armchairs we could have lazed there all afternoon if we didn’t have a boat to catch!

Food at Bushmills Inn, Northern Ireland
Delicious Shepherd’s Pie at the Bushmills Inn

The menu is varied with something to suit all tastes and our choices of shepherd’s pie and barbecued pulled pork bao buns were both delicious and filling.  We washed these down with refreshing glasses of ginger ale then popped back in the car for the 20 minute drive to the village of Ballycastle from where we would be taking our boat trip.  The village looked very pretty but as we were short of time we decided to leave the car at the marina (free parking) and explore the town after our trip with Kintra Boat Tours.

Kintra Boat Tours, Ballycastle, Northern Ireland
Kintra Boat Tours in Ballycastle

We’d booked a 1 hour 40 minute boat trip along the rugged Antrim coast in the capable hands of the friendly crew.  Luck was on our side as we had barely left the harbour when a pod of playful dolphins could be seen leaping from the water and playing alongside the boat.

Dolphins on The Causeway Coast from Kintra Boat Tour
Dolphin viewed from the Kintra Boat Tour

Francis, one of the crew members told us that he had been working on these tours for six months and it was the first time he had seen so many dolphins at close range.  We observed them jumping into the air, cruising through the water at high speed and generally having fun.  They must have played around the boat for at least half an hour and it was an unexpected delight to observe these intelligent animals at close range.

Kintra Boat tours along the Causeway Coast
We viewed stunning cliff faces and headlands from the boat

The boat made its way westwards along the north coast from where we viewed the shore from the water passing the sheer cliffs at Fairhead, several sea caves and the azure blue sea.  There were good views of Rathlin Island which is Northern Ireland’s only inhabited island with a population of just over 100 people.

Sea caves along the dramatic Causeway Coast
We viewed several sea caves in the azure blue sea below the cliffs

The island is a Special Area of Conservation and home to 30 different species of birds including puffins, guillemots, kittiwakes and razorbills which can be viewed between April and July.  Hopefully before too long we’ll have an opportunity to return to the causeway coast and be able to visit Rathlin Island.

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge viewed from Kintra Boat tours
The Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge viewed from the water

Both Charles and Francis kept us entertained with an interesting commentary pointing out key features as we passed by.  In particular, the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge which was first erected by fishermen more than 250 years ago.  They fished for Atlantic salmon and for a long time it was home to a flourishing industry.

Salmon fishermen's cottage perched on the Causeway Coast cliffs
Salmon fishermen’s cottage perched on the cliffs at Carrick-a-Rede

The bridge is now maintained by the National Trust but is currently closed to visitors but I’d love to test my bravery by attempting to cross it sometime.  On Carrick-a-Rede Island we could even see a salmon fisherman’s cottage that had withstood the elements and still survives to this day.

Double Rainbow, Northern Ireland
Double Rainbow from the boat

Returning along the coast we spotted two seals and several more dolphins approached the boat which was fun to see.  We also viewed the spectacular Mermaid’s waterfall which due to the recent heavy rain was in full force, and spotted so many rainbows that we lost count.  The tour was unforgettable and such good value at only £20.

Ballycastle harbour
Ballycastle harbour

Back on dry land we then had time to explore Ballycastle, wandering around its picturesque working harbour and then along the promenade overlooking Ballycastle Strand (beach).

Ballycastle beach
Ballycastle Beach

At the eastern end there is a rocky outcrop known as Pans Rock that juts out into the sea and is popular with rock climbers.  The seafront has some inviting little shops and cafes and the small town is a really lovely place to visit.

Ballintoy harbour
Ballintoy harbour

Leaving there, we drove on five miles to Ballintoy Harbour accessed by a steep, winding road leaving the car in the free car park beside the harbour cafe. If you are visiting the Causeway Coast I highly recommend visiting here as it’s an idyllic little place with its sea stacks, pools and rocky outcrops.

Ballintoy Harbour, a Game of Thrones filming location
Ballintoy Harbour, a Game of Thrones filming location

If you are a fan of the Game of Thrones then you might be interested to learn that Ballintoy has been used as a filming location.  Information boards explain the setting and whilst we were there avid viewers were busy snapping away with their cameras.

Dunluce Castle
Dunluce Castle viewed from Magheracross Viewpoint

To complete our travels through the Causeway Coast and Glens we made one final stop at the newly redeveloped Magheracross viewpoint located on the road between Bushmills and Portrush.  There was ample free parking and we were able to take in the dramatic views from platforms at each end of the short walking trail which extend out over the edge of the cliffs.  In one direction we enjoyed views across to the picturesque ruins of Dunluce Castle and in the other direction over the headland towards Whiterocks.

View from Magheracross Viewpoint
View from Magheracross Viewpoint

After feeling pleased that we had taken the time to seek out this new viewpoint we returned to the car to embark on the next stage of our road trip which would take us across the border where we would follow the Wild Atlantic Way through parts of Donegal.  Within one and a half hours we had arrived in Letterkenny, Donegal’s largest town where we had planned to spend the night at Dillons Hotel on Main Street.  After such a hectic day we were soon in bed looking forward to what the next day would bring.

Dillons Hotel, Letterkenny
Dillons Hotel, Letterkenny

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56 responses to “Giant’s Causeway & Boat Tour, Northern Ireland”

  1. jasonlikestotravel Avatar

    Obviously still working my way through the series but hard to imagine that you’ll have a better day than this on your trip. What a wonderful day, definitely a part of the world I’d like to visit. Although I don’t think you’ll catch me crossing that Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge! Hopefully it’ll remain closed when I get there myself so I’m not tempted haha.

    On an unrelated note, is that a Spanish flag in your photo? How strange!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It was a wonderful day, walking along the Giant’s Causeway and taking the boat trip with the unexpected delight of dolphin watching. You were very observant noticing the Spanish flag outside Bushmills Inn. We were intrigued by it too and apparently they fly an overseas flag when overseas visitors are staying from that country. They must have a large collection stored away!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. jasonlikestotravel Avatar

        Oh wow! That’s such a cool story and made me glad I asked, what a wonderful gesture 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

          Just think, you could take Haleigh there and then they would put up the Stars and Stripes in her honour!

          Liked by 2 people

  2. ThingsHelenLoves Avatar

    What A brilliant day- dolphins, a double rainbow and those pretty coastal cottages. It’s a different view of NI, I’ve been guilty of thinking of the place in terms of military postings and the grittier side of Belfast, I suppose. But there’s so much more on offer.


    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      I’m so pleased to be inspiring you to possibly visit Northern Ireland next year. It really is delightful and the people so friendly.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Day 8. The Fermanagh Lakelands, Northern Ireland – Love Travelling Blog Avatar

    […] Giant’s Causeway & Boat Tour, Northern Ireland […]

    Liked by 1 person

  4. AndysWorldJourneys Avatar

    looks liked, despite the poor weather, a really worthwhile location to visit. The dolphin picture is brilliant, and the hexagonal rocks are fascinating

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks so much for your interest in this post on the Giant’s Causeway Andy. The basalt rock formations are stunning and seeing those dolphins on the boat trip was the icing on the cake. Hope your weekend is going well. Marion


  5. Aephod Avatar

    This awesome! Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks for taking an interest in this post on the Giant’s Causeway, it’s much appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. ibonoco Avatar

    I was here 4 years ago. Fantastic

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      So pleased to read you have also visited Slieve League, the cliffs are absolutely stunning. Thanks so much for commenting.


  7. Day 6. The Slieve League Cliffs, Donegal – Love Travelling Blog Avatar

    […] Giant’s Causeway and Boat Tour, Northern Ireland […]

    Liked by 1 person

  8. ISA Avatar

    Really love this place. Hope to have opportunity traveling here. Thanks for your beautiful writing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      The Giant’s Causeway is stunning and I do hope you have an opportunity to see it for yourself one day.


  9. Laci Avatar

    Our tour has us staying at the Bushmills Inn! I’m glad to know the food is good!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      The Bushmills Inn is gorgeous Laci and I’m certain you’ll love it there. Lots of cosy lounge areas and the restaurant is really nice too. Our lunch was delicious!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. shane harrison Avatar

    So, that’s what it looks like. Visited the area some years back, shrouded in mist and rain. Very mysterious. Lovely photos, Marion, along with your words really bring the area to life.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks for taking an interest in this post on the Giant’s Causeway Shane. Sorry to read that it was shrouded in must when you visited but hopefully you can put in a return visit at some point. Keep warm! Marion

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Kelly MacKay Avatar

    It’s a wonderful place. Looks like you had a great time

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      We did indeed. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.


      1. Kelly MacKay Avatar

        My pleasure, I enjoy your blog. 😁

        Liked by 1 person

  12. ianscyberspace Avatar

    That was such an interesting tour and I found the giant’s causeway particularly interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thank you Ian. The Giant’s Causeway is such a fascinating natural phenomenon with its hexagonal pillars.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. WanderingCanadians Avatar

    Northern Ireland looks beautiful. The basalt columns are so interesting. The boat tour definitely sounds like it was worth it. How fun to see dolphins in addition to the sea caves and surrounding coastline. We’re hoping to visit Ireland next year and are currently sketching out a rough itinerary.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      How lovely that you are planning on visiting Ireland next year, I’m sure you will really enjoy a holiday there. Something nice to look forward to!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Grandma's Ramblings Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this! One wish I will not get is to go to Ireland/Scotland (at 73 my health will just not permit it). My ancestry is about 90% Scottish. I would love to see the Causeway in person but these pictures are great. Ii would never have the courage to walk across that bridge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      I’m so pleased to read that you enjoyed this post on the Causeway Coast and even if you aren’t able to travel there yourself you can join my road trip adventure!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Grandma's Ramblings Avatar

        I’ll check out your other posts on Ireland

        Liked by 1 person

  15. grandmisadventures Avatar

    I would love to visit the Giants Causeway! I have always been so fascinated by the celtic legends that include the causeway and surrounding areas. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      I’m so pleased you enjoyed this post Meg and I feel sure you will get a chance to visit the Giant’s Causeway in the coming years. Marion

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Rebecca Avatar

    Giant’s Causeway is a bucket list dream, as its basalt columns are iconic! You were also very lucky to get to see dolphins so up-close…nothing beats a chilly, adventurous day in Northern Ireland than a warm, hearty Shepherd’s pie indoors afterwards!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      The Giant’s Causeway is unique and an unmissable experience when visiting Northern Ireland. I can’t believe how lucky we were to see all those dolphins playing around the boat it really was an unexpected delight. I’m glad you liked this post Rebecca, thank you for taking the time to comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

        Thank you for commenting.


  17. travelgarb Avatar

    Excellent dolphin shot. I’d love to have seen them when I was there!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thank you! It was unexpected and we were so lucky. Difficult to photograph as they only pop above water momentarily but we just kept trying and several shots came out well.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. winteroseca Avatar

    That was so lucky that you got to see the dolphins! I find the British Isles has some truly interesting rock features

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      We were so fortunate to see the dolphins on the same day as visiting the Giant’s Causeway. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.


  19. kagould17 Avatar

    A spectacular day Marion. In 2008, we took the “kids” to see the Giant’s Causeway and Carrick-a-Rede on a stunning sunny June day. It was a great trip, but coming from Collon in Ireland did not leave us much more time for exploring. Thanks for sharing and have a great day. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks for taking an interest in my second post on the Causeway Coast Allan. I don’t think you could ever tire of seeing the unique shapes of the Giant’s Causeway but taking the boat trip and exploring further along the coast was lovely too, even in mid-October! Marion

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Tanja Avatar

    a rainbow and a castle ruins among other things! what a great day

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It was a delightful day Tanja taking in the breathtaking beauty of the Giant’s Causeway, spotting dolphins in the ocean and then topping it off with the double rainbow. Have a great weekend and thanks for commenting. Marion

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tanja Avatar

        you’re welcome. Have a great weekend too!

        Liked by 1 person

  21. travelling_han Avatar

    Those rock formations are just so unique, you can see why people thought they were created by a giant! The boat trip looks great too, such a wonderful area to visit 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      The Causeway coast is a wonderful area to visit whatever the season and the hexagonal basalt pillars forming the Giant’s causeway are fascinating. Hope you get there sometime Hannah and thanks for taking the time to comment. Marion


  22. ourcrossings Avatar

    I am glad to hear you had an amazing time exploring the Giants Causeway. It is one of the greatest natural wonders of Northern Ireland and seeing jagged headland of neatly packed columns that point towards Scotland in person leaves a lasting impression on anyone. And not to mention its myths and legends and the dynamic coastal landscape of Atlantic waves, rugged cliffs, fascinating geographical antiquity, secluded bays and magnificent views. By now, I’ve been to Giants Causeway many times and I never tire of seeing it. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      The Giant’s Causeway is truly a wondrous natural phenomenon coupled with the rugged beauty of the north Antrim coast. You are so lucky to live in reasonably close proximity to these stunning locations Aiva. Thanks so much for commenting and have a good weekend Marion xx

      Liked by 1 person

  23. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    Wow, those basalt rock formations are so interesting (I like the Irish giant version of how it was formed 😉). And what an amazing boat trip – dolphins, caves and amazing rainbows! And your views from Magheracross is simply stunning – love that photo of the Dunluco Castle! So much to see and do on this trip!


    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      We enjoyed a great day exploring the north coast of Northern Ireland Corna. The Giant’s Causeway basalt rock formations are fascinating and then viewing the cliffs and caves from the water was stunning. How lucky we were to see so many dolphins around the boat and the sea was so blue it could have been mistaken for the Mediterranean! Thanks so much for taking an interest and have a good weekend. Marion

      Liked by 1 person

  24. leightontravels Avatar

    Wow Marion, there is really a lot here. First and foremost the Giant’s Causeway is absolutely fascinating and incredibly picturesque. But then the views across Magheracross Viewpoint are just as stunning and I do enjoy a castle ruin. It has been several years since I had a Shepherd’s Pie (once a staple of my dearly departed grandmother), so a pitstop at The Bushmills Inn would be in order between sights. So many visual delights here, and the double rainbow is just perfect.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thank you so much Leighton for your welcome thoughts on our second day along Northern Ireland’s north coast. The Giant’s Causeway is breathtaking and then unexpectedly viewing so many dolphins around our boat was very special. Marion

      Liked by 1 person

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