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Guimaraes, Portugal

A day in Guimaraes, Portugal

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After spending the first two days of our holiday exploring Porto we were ready to travel further afield so after a hearty breakfast we headed off to Saō Bento station where we marvelled once again at its exquisite blue and white tiled concourse.

Sao Bento Station, Porto
Sao Bento station concourse

From the ticket office we requested return tickets to Guimaraes with discounted cable car tickets as advertised on the Portuguese rail website.  Unfortunately, on the English version of the website it did not state that these were only available at weekends or for groups of 10 or more so we just bought standard returns at €7 each.  Tickets then need to be validated on the platform but this cannot be done more than 15 minutes prior to the departure of urban trains.  We were there 20 minutes early as we didn’t know if there would be a queue at the booking office so, although the train was in, we waited patiently until the due time to validate our tickets.  We did notice other passengers doing this earlier and then boarding the train but we complied with the instructions just in case of any problems.

Platform on Sao Bento Station, Porto
Platform on Sao Bento Station

As the service was departing from Porto there were plenty of seats available and we sat back and enjoyed the ever changing views from the train window during the 75 minute journey.

Centro Cultural Vila Flor Guimaraes
Centro Cultural Vila Flor Guimaraes

The station is located south of the city, and just a ten minute walk from its UNESCO World Heritage Centre noted for its exceptionally well preserved buildings.  On our way towards the main square we came across a beautifully restored mansion, the Centro Cultural Vila Flor which since 2005 has been transformed into a cultural centre.  It is surrounded by formal gardens but as these were closed we peered through the iron railings to view them and take photos.

Cultural Centre Gardens, Guimaraes
Cultural Centre Gardens, Guimaraes

Our stroll then took us into the centre where the melodic bells of St. Peter’s Basilica were just chiming midday as we approached. The narrow cobblestone roads around Largo do Toural contains historic colourfully painted buildings, most of them with intricately designed wrought iron balconies.

Medieval buildings in Guimaraes
Medieval buildings in Guimaraes

It seemed very quiet everywhere and it was so sad to see so many empty tables and chairs outside bars and restaurants in the pretty little courtyards.  Oliveira marks the main centre with the church of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira.  This square takes its name from an ancient olive tree which is still growing in the centre providing welcome shade in mid-summer.

Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira Guimaraes
Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira Guimaraes

After our first two days of wall-to-wall sunshine the blue skies had deserted us on our visit to Guimaraes and as can be seen from the photos, it was an overcast day.  Rue Santa Maria is a little thoroughfare lined with numerous shops and restaurants and a pleasure to walk along as it gave us the feeling of having travelled back in time with its quaint shop fronts, doorways and passages.

The historic centre of Guimaraes
The historic centre of Guimaraes

Having explored the historic centre we made our way towards the castle which dates from the 10th century.  It was a leisurely ten minute uphill stroll and before reaching the castle itself we paused to admire the beautiful tiling on the porch walls of the Convento de Santo Antonio Dos Capuchos.

Guimaraes Convent entrance porch
Guimaraes Convent entrance porch

Nestled beneath the castle is the Dukes of Braganza Palace which was inspired by 14th century northern European architecture.  Despite its large oak door being open, the palace was actually closed to the public but an information board informed us that it had been restored and was now decorated with 17th century furnishings.

Dukes of Braganza Palace
Dukes of Braganza Palace

We then got our first glimpse of the ancient castle which stands at the top of Largo Hill.  It’s located at the far end of an elegant tree lined avenue and was constructed to defend the nearby monastery from attack by the Moors and Vikings.

The avenue leading to Guimaraes Castle
The avenue leading to Guimaraes Castle

By the 12th century it had become the seat of Portugal’s first King, Afonso Henriques.  The castle had lain in ruins for many years until the 1990’s when its keep and seven towers were restored.  Admittance to the castle is only €3 but sadly, it was also closed to visitors.  A little disappointing but we were still able to enjoy a stroll along some of the trails in the small forest park surrounding the castle.

Guimaraes Castle
Guimaraes Castle

From the castle it was then a 15 minute walk to the other side of the city to reach the Teleferico de Guimarães to take us up to the top of Penha Hill.  There was no-one else waiting to board one of the cable cars so we could have actually had one each if we had preferred.  Tickets cost €7.50 euros return for the 8 minute journey.  It was difficult to take photos from the cable car as the glass windows were heavily tinted but we enjoyed panoramic views over the treetops and occasional houses beneath us.

Penha HIll Cable Car Station
Penha Hill Cable Car Station

From the cable car station it was then a few minutes walk to the Penha Sanctuary which is surrounded by an ornamental pool and flowerbeds.  Religious music was being softly played through loudspeakers from the sanctuary giving an air of calm.

Penha Sanctuary Guimaraes
Penha Sanctuary Guimares

Around the side of the sanctuary we came across a large viewing terrace but as it was so hazy our views were not as good as they might have been.  It was incredibly quiet up there and we only came across three other people whilst walking around.

Walking trail, Penha Hill, Guimaraes
Along one of the walking trails on the hilltop

Next, we followed a short trail up to the Miradouro do Pio IX which took us alongside some very large granite boulders which I’m sure children enjoy scrambling over.  It was worth the effort to climb up to this viewpoint as we could see the sanctuary from the hilltop and we thought it looked much prettier from there.

View of the Penha HIll Sanctuary, Guimaraes
View from the summit of Penha Hill

We then carefully made our way back down the steep paths to the cable car station for the ride back to the city centre.  On the way back to the medieval quarter we passed the absolutely beautiful gardens of the Largo da Republica do Brasil and slightly further along the Church of Saō Francisco with its blue tiled facade.

Largo da Republica do Brasil, Guimaraes
Largo da Republica do Brasil

All this sightseeing and walking up and down steep hills had made us hungry so we enjoyed a delicious three course lunch out on the terrace of the Café Mercurio before returning to Porto on the 16.50 train.

Church of Saō Francisco, Guimaraes
Church of Saō Francisco

It had been a lovely day trip and a city I would recommend visiting whilst taking a holiday in northern Portugal.  Do please check train times before planning an excursion to Guimarães though as they are quite erratic, especially during the afternoon.  Day tickets are valid on all urban services enabling passengers to return as they wish.

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50 responses to “A day in Guimaraes, Portugal”

  1. kagould17 Avatar

    Another great post on Portugal. Loved the hilltop views and the garden Marion. Thanks for sharing. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      So pleased to hear you enjoyed this Allan. Have a great weekend! M.


  2. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    The beautiful tiled walls and cobblestone walkways … it’s just so typically Portugal … this was a great day trip!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Guimaraes was beautiful and so easy to reach from Porto by train.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. jasonlikestotravel Avatar

    Other than possibly football I wouldn’t have thought to visit Guimaraes but it looks to have a lot of charm. Such a shame you were unable to visit the cultural garden, Palace and castle though! Hopefully more is open to the public by the time I visit.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Guimaraes is such an interesting town and very easy to get to from Porto by train. Definitely an addition to a Porto itinerary Jason, football match or otherwise!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. ThingsHelenLoves Avatar

    Guimaraes is beautiful. I remember seeing the picture of Largo da Republica do Brasil on your instagram and thinking how lovely it was, seems like the rest of the place matches up! Just lovely, a very enjoyable series of posts.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks Helen, I’m so pleased you enjoyed reading this series of posts.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Aadya Avatar

    This is so good p, I write about similar stuff like this so come check out my blog called Discovery

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you enjoyed this post on Guimaraes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aadya Avatar

        Yeah your welcome

        Liked by 3 people

  6. junedesilva Avatar

    The station concourse is unbelievably stunning!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It’s gorgeous ism’t it June. Wish some of our stations were like this!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks Andy, that park reminded me of Lombard Street in San Francisco with its zig zag lanes!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. AndysWorldJourneys Avatar

        yes i thought of that street but i didnt know the name!

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

          Great mind the alike! Hope your weekend is going well!

          Liked by 1 person

  7. blogbyross Avatar

    Interesting read and good pics

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thank you for taking an interest in this post and for your comments

      Liked by 1 person

  8. msaada2 Avatar

    Traveling to places like this is a dream, but covid is keeping us locked in. Thanks for sharing! Your post was wonderful!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It’s my pleasure, thanks so much for commenting. Let’s hope next year brings better news on the travel front. I feel for you, it’s an absolute nightmare!

      Liked by 2 people

  9. InsideMySlingBag Avatar

    Nice clicks Marion! Looks like you had a great day at Guimaraes.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      We did indeed despite the sun not managing to put in an appearance! Thanks for your welcome thoughts.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Rebecca Avatar

    I’ve never heard of Guimaraes before, but it sure does look lovely (even if it appears that you went on an overcast day)! Miradouros are always something to look forward to, and I especially enjoy the understated, yet colorful blue-patterned Church of Saō Francisco. I wished I had gone on a day trip while in Porto, but your post gives me the inspiration to note Guimaraes down for future reference to go!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks Rebecca for your welcome thoughts. The sun didn’t shine for us on this particular outing but otherwise Guimarães was a lovely place to visit. Hope you manage to get there yourself one day!

      Liked by 2 people

  11. ianscyberspace Avatar

    Your mention of the Vikings was interesting. Naturally you were referring to attacks by boat. I was reading that the Goths are speculated to have come from the land of the Vikings and if I have it right they settled in Spain travelling from the East. So I wondered if you could have been referring to the Goths? I guess a lot of ancient history is speculative but I have an deep interest in pre history and love to know what really happened. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      I wasn’t aware that the Goths were speculated to have come from the land of the Vikings so it was interesting to make the connection Ian.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. restlessjo Avatar

    We enjoyed Guimaraes too. Can’t remember exactly which year but the city was European Capital of Culture that year and so there were events throughout. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It must have been so nice to have been there when that was happening Jo but even with nothing special happening we enjoyed our visit.

      Liked by 3 people

  13. rkrontheroad Avatar

    Loved the blue tile of the train station!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thank you, those blue and white tiles are really beautiful and I wish modern stations could be like that!

      Liked by 2 people

  14. Caroline Avatar

    I was there in October 2019, we stayed for a week, and it was (for obvious reasons) much busier and bustling. I wrote a bir about it here

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my post. I’m just going to follow your link now to read about your visit.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Caroline Avatar

        Thank you. Hope you liked it.

        Liked by 3 people

  15. Jonno Avatar

    Porto has been a revelation and this day trip to Guimaraes looks an added bonus. What a fascinating beautiful place.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks Jonno. Porto is a delightful city and we found so many nice places to visit by train from there. Hopefully you’ll get there sometime too!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Stella Avatar

    Guimares looks beautiful, and is on my list of “must get there next time” for visiting Portugal. I have thoughts of a week or so in the Douro and with a car we should be able to see more than just Porto and the vineyards, no matter how much I love spending time in winegrowing areas.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It will definitely be something nice to look forward to Stella. Thanks as always for taking the time to read and comment, it’s much appreciated.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Stella Avatar

        Your blog is among the handful of things keeping me sane right now. The only trip I’ve had this year, aside from a work trip to Copenhagen back in January, is one night away in North Yorkshire. That’s it.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

          Well Stella, we can only hope that next year will be better. Lockdown 2 seems to me to be worse than the first one with the dreary November weather to contend with. Hopefully we’re half way through it now. Just returned from a walk in the drizzle, pretty miserable but I’d go stir crazy if I stayed in all day. Do you know that I’ve never visited Denmark apart from transiting through Copenhagen airport several times but of course that doesn’t count. It’s another place I’m dreaming about visiting one of these days. Take care, Marion

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Stella Avatar

            You need to do Denmark. I’m still seriously contemplating asking my boss if my job could be moved from London to our HQ in Copenhagen if things go as badly wrong with the UK as I expect them to on January 1st 2021.

            Liked by 3 people

            1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

              That sounds a good plan, I doubt you will be the only one!

              Liked by 1 person

  17. Alison Avatar

    What a fabulous day out and even enough time to enjoy a meal

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks Alison, It was really lovely and easy to get to by train. Hope you are doing well.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Alison Avatar

        Yes all good here Marion ..still no Covid in WA keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 as borders now open to some which is good news as far as I’m concerned

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

          Definitely good news, let’s hope we are slowly on our way back to a near normal.

          Liked by 1 person

  18. Sheree Avatar

    Enjoyed today’s trip

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks Sheree, there were several nice places that were easy to visit from Porto making it a pleasant stay.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Sheree Avatar

        We missed out on our trip to Portugal this year, maybe next.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

          Fingers crossed, Sheree.

          Liked by 4 people

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