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Day 4. Moscow VDNKh Park

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After the previous morning’s disappointing egg order, I managed to achieve success by showing the chef a photo of some fried eggs on my iPad. She seemed to understand, smiled, and then served up some delicious, runny yolks for me to dip my toast into.

Entrance Arch at the VDNKh Park, Moscow
Entrance Arch at the VDNKh Park, Moscow

Eventually we were ready to embark on a day’s sightseeing and instead of taking the metro we decided instead to take a tram to the VDNKh Park (the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy). Tram rides are included in the 3 day travel cards and we just needed to tap onto the reader as we boarded the service. It was a pleasant journey as the tram weaved its way through the woodlands of Sokolniki Park, passing several small lakes which had signs to forest walking trails that would be pleasant to follow during warmer weather.

Monument to the Conquerors of Space VDNKh Park, Moscow
Monument to the Conquerors of Space VDNKh Park, Moscow

The tram terminated at the VDNKh Park and we started off by taking a look at the Monument to the Conquerors of Space just outside the park gates. This 100m tall titanium obelisk was constructed in 1964 to commemorate the launch of Sputnik and creates the impression of a rocket soaring into space. Adjacent to the monument stands the Museum of Cosmonautics containing the first rocket engine and the moon river Lunokhad (museum closed each Monday).

Entrance to the VDNKh Park is free of charge with access through a large arch above which is a sculpture of a tractor driver and a peasant woman. The entrance arch was built in 1954 and for the festive period was surrounded by some subtle gold and silver decorations making the approach even more appealing.

Festive decorations at the VDNKh Park Moscow
Festive decorations at the VDNKh Park Moscow

This vast park contains numerous palatial pavilions all designed in a unique style to represent each Soviet republic and its industries ranging from agriculture and space exploration to coal mining. The Park was established in 1939 and designed as the main showcase of socialist economy and lifestyle.

One of the many pavilions at the VDNKh Park, Moscow
One of the many pavilions at the VDNKh Park, Moscow

Information boards with English translations were positioned outside many of the pavilions explaining the purpose for which they were originally constructed. Entering several of the pavilions we found them to be quite confusing as their uses today bore little or no resemblance to their plaques. One seemed to have been turned into a bank, another contained some small shops whilst another one focussed on public services such as obtaining passports.

Skating at the VDNKh Park Moscow
Skating at the VDNKh Park Moscow

A huge ice skating rink which is the largest in Russia winds its way through the park and can accommodate a staggering 5,000 people at any one time. Although it was a weekday morning, numerous people were taking to the ice, skating along to music blasting out over the loudspeakers. Interspersed between festive songs were popular British and US tracks from the ’80s and ’90s and we had fun trying to recall the title of the songs and who sang them as we explored the park.

Skating at the VDNKh Park, Moscow
Skating at the VDNKh Park, Moscow

In the centre of the park we came across an arched bridge over the skating rink which we found to be an ideal spot to take photos of the park and its skating tracks.

The Industry and Aerospace Technology Square, VDNKh Park, Moscow
The Industry and Aerospace Technology Square, VDNKh Park, Moscow

Towards the rear of the park lies the Industry and Aerospace Technology Square where a replica of the Vostok space rocket and a Yak-42 aircraft were on display.

After taking a look at most of the exhibits we were feeling quite cold and ready for a sit down so we found a cafe on the edge of the park for some warming drinks. We had really felt like mugs of hot chocolate but as these were unavailable we had to settle for cappuccinos which did the trick, helping us to warm us up.

Stunning pavilions at the VDNKh Park, Moscow
Stunning pavilions at the VDNKh Park, Moscow

Our plan had then been to take a ride on the monorail to Timiryazevskaya station but after going through the barriers and reaching the platform we discovered that we had just missed one by two minutes and the next wasn’t due for a further 28 minutes. Waiting on a draughty platform for half an hour wasn’t very appealing so we exited the station and made our way to the VDNKh metro station instead and admired its painted arches as we waited to board our train.

The VDNKh metro station, Moscow
The VDNKh metro station, Moscow
The platform of the VDNKh metro station, Moscow
The platform of the VDNKh metro station, Moscow

It was then time for us to visit a few more of the most beautiful stations on the Moscow metro network. To do so, we caught a train along to Prospekt Mira on the Circle Line 5 (Brown) to admire its platforms. The design and theme of this lavish station reflects the nearby Botanical Gardens of Moscow State University. It would have also been nice to have visited these gardens but decided against it as there would have been little to see in December. The Prospekt Mira metro station opened in 1952 and features white pillars decorated with pretty floral friezes, grand chandeliers and a grey chequered floor.

Prospekt Mira metro station, Moscow
Prospekt Mira metro station, Moscow

From there we just travelled one stop on the Circle Line 5 (anti-clockwise) to explore the stunning Novoslobodskaya station which is noted for its 32 stained glass panels. These were produced in Latvia as at that time Russia lacked expertise in the production of stained glass.

Novoslobodskaya metro station, Moscow
Novoslobodskaya metro station, Moscow

Six of the stained glass panels depict people from different professions including a musician and an architect. The remaining 26 panels contain intricate geometric patterns and stars creating giving the platform a church-like appearance.

Tsvetnoy-Bulvar metro station, Moscow
Tsvetnoy-Bulvar metro station, Moscow

Yet another beautiful station was just one stop away on Line 9 (grey) so we whizzed along there to view the Tsvetnoy-Bulvar station which also featured stained glass panels. These differed from Novoslobodskaya as the stained glass panes were much smaller, with a large stained glass panel at one end of the concourse. This station is close to the Moscow Circus and its proximity is reflected in the green stained glass above the stairs featuring images of clowns.

Tsvetnoy-Bulvar station, Moscow
Tsvetnoy-Bulvar station, Moscow

After taking delight in viewing these stunning stations we took the metro along to Borobitskaya station to try and re-visit the Moscow State Library (National Library of Russia) as we had been turned away the previous day due to a fire alarm evacuation. Thankfully, all was quiet on this occasion and we were able to collect visitor passes from a small office at the main entrance on the right just before the security screening. Visitors are warmly welcomed to the library with enquiries made to our nationality which was noted for their records.

The entrance hall of the Moscow State Library
The entrance hall of the Moscow State Library

Coats and large bags need to be handed to the ladies at the cloakroom desk who were extremely efficient and able to take care of hats, gloves and scarves without them going astray. Just beyond the cloakroom we mounted the grand entrance staircase which leads to rooms lined with traditional wooden bookcases and off to one side, some beautiful reading rooms.

Moscow State Library
Moscow State Library

Please note that none of the library signage is in English and as plans of the building are unavailable, it’s a bit of a mystery wandering around but we discovered that the main points of interest seemed to be located on the first floor. We gently opened heavy oak doors, peeping inside to see what was behind them and came across some exquisite reading rooms. They were all beautifully furnished with traditional leather chairs, oak desks and illuminated by brass lamps with green shades.

Reading Room, Moscow State Library
Reading Room, Moscow State Library

The main reading room is not to be missed as it features a galleried landing containing black and white photographs of how the library has evolved over the years. If you share an interest in libraries then spending a short time visiting the Moscow State Library is a splendid idea. It’s easily accessible by metro or on foot from Red Square as it is located just behind the Alexander Gardens.

Red Square Christmas Market with the GUM Department Store
Red Square Christmas Market with the GUM Department Store

We rounded off the afternoon with a short stroll through the Red Square Christmas Market before returning to our hotel for a short rest and a reviving cup of tea and some biscuits.

Dinner in Sokolniki Moscow
Dinner in Sokolniki

Later we ate dinner at a cosy pub called Kolbosoff just across the road from our hotel in Sokolniki. The service was friendly and our dishes of grilled chicken and pork ribs were well presented, of a good size and most importantly tasted very good. We accompanied these with a half litre of lager each which hit the spot nicely. The bar staff were attentive but unable to speak English so we used Google Translate to work out what was on the menu and order our dishes.

The entrance gates to Gorky Park Moscow
The entrance gates to Gorky Park

By the time we had finished our meal it was around 8.00 p.m. and after a little discussion, decided to take the metro to Park Kultury. This station was conveniently located on Red Line 1 being just a couple of stops further on than Red Square. On leaving the metro station we crossed the river to enter Gorky Park through its illuminated main arched entrance. Surprisingly, the huge park was exceedingly quiet with very few people about. There was an ice rink running through its central section but we couldn’t see much activity due to a large fence obscuring our view.

The Ministry of Defence Building, Moscow
The Ministry of Defence Building, Moscow

As little seemed to be happening in the park, we strolled along the embankment where several pleasure cruise boats were slowly passing by and glancing across the river we could see the headquarters of the Ministry of Defence.

Moskva River at night
Moskva River at night

Our evening stroll continued as far as a covered footbridge where we crossed the river and headed inland a short distance to a metro station at Frunzenskaya for a train to take us back to our hotel. The end of another fun filled day exploring Moscow.

If you have enjoyed reading this post you may also be interested in the following:

Moscow – the ultimate winter break

Moscow’s most beautiful metro stations

A winter break in Budapest


37 responses to “Day 4. Moscow VDNKh Park”

  1. jasonlikestotravel Avatar

    You’ve got to love the wonders of technology, I’m glad it helped you get the eggs right! Haha.

    Sounds like another fun day in Moscow, that monument looks pretty cool too! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks Jason, there’s nothing worse than mot getting my runny eggs! But back to Moscow the architecture is stunning.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Abirbhav Avatar

    VDNKh Park is undoubtedly beautiful and appears magical when covered under a thick blanket of Ice. It’s sad to see that Global Warming has eroded its beauty.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Yes, we visited two years earlier at the same time and the city was blanketed in snow then, giving it a magical appearance.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hettie D. Avatar
    Hettie D.

    I love the skating there! It’s nota rink, nor a strip, but a rectangle?!
    … and how did we manage before without Google?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Definitely a rectangle Hettie but a rink sounds better! I can’t imagine how we ever managed without Google but of course we did!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. ianscyberspace Avatar

    You take us on some amazing journeys. Obviously Russia has come a long way since the Communist era. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It has indeed Ian, it’s changed beyond recognition. I’m pleased to read that you are enjoying this series of posts.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Content Catnip Avatar

    Wow looks very cool!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It was lovely and even free to enter! Thanks for commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Content Catnip Avatar

        I am keen to check it out!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

          That’s good, I hope you get an opportunity soon.

          Liked by 1 person

      2. Content Catnip Avatar

        How was it getting a visa to Russia, I heard it’s difficult as a westerner

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

          It’s a bit of a nuisance as you have to book a hotel first and then request an invitation which you then need to include with the visa application. The form is very long and once completed it had to be taken by hand to the Visa office – only 3 in the U.K., Edinburgh, Manchester and London. Had to leave our passports there and pay over £100 each but it was all worthwhile in the end!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Content Catnip Avatar

            That seems like a lot of effort. I will need to see as I’m in New Zealand so it would probably be different here. What was your favourite parts of the trip? Also, what were people like there?

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

              Pceople seemed pleasant and polite and we always felt safe, even late at night. Hopefully it might be easier in NZ.

              Liked by 1 person

  6. fakeflamenco Avatar

    Were you tempted to go skating? That looked like a big rink. Thanks for the tour.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Yes, I was tempted but I can’t skate very well and didn’t want to risk any broken bones. It was still nice to watch though. Are you able to skate?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. fakeflamenco Avatar

        I’m not able to do anything fancy but I can usually stay upright. 🙂 I grew up in a wintry climate with a skating rink nearby. We have a large park pond four blocks away in Madison where we skate every winter. Thanks for your photos!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

          It’s my pleasure. I really must try and learn the basics! Hope you’re having a good weekend.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. fakeflamenco Avatar

            It can be fun to glide around. It makes the winter outdoors enjoyable.

            Liked by 1 person

  7. earlgreykick Avatar

    Moscow looks so cool !! Have you also visited St Petersburg?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      No, not been to St.Petersburg yet but would love to.


  8. Jepsy Babu Avatar
    Jepsy Babu

    VDNKh Park entrance is beautiful, festive decorations are amazing. Pavilion looks stunning. Altogether the Park is great. Metro station is elegant. Library is wowwwwwwww. The footbridge view is beautiful. Thanks for sharing these photos.


    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Its my pleasure Jepsy, thank you for taking the time to comment.


  9. Christie Avatar

    Everything is just a Wow, so much to see in Moscow! The metro station is something that I would really like to see someday❤
    Happy Friday!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thank you for taking an interest in my post. The metro is like a living museum

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thank you for your kind words. Glad to read you enjoyed this post on Moscow.


  10. kagould17 Avatar

    So interesting to see posts on Moscow, likely a place I will never reach. I had heard about the ornate Metro stations, some are truly beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It’s my pleasure Allan, it’s so pleasing to read you are enjoying this series. The metro stations are like a living museum and I’m so impressed that they are so well cared for and clean.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. thewonderer86 Avatar

    Great photos and glad you got your eggs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thank you, You can usually find a way to get around language barriers! Runny eggs are my favourites. Our day in Moscow was fascinating too. Thanks for commenting, and have a good weekend.


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