Love Travelling Blog

Travel diaries providing inspiration for planning the perfect trip

Manchester May 2021

  • New Islington, Manchester

    Manchester canal walk – Etihad Stadium to Piccadilly

    For our final morning in Manchester we planned a canal side walk that would be new to us.  Making good use of our weekend tram ticket, we caught a service to the Etihad Campus taking less than ten minutes on the Ashton Line.  The Etihad stadium is home to Manchester City football club and was…

  • MediaCityUK Manchester

    Manchester – Museums and a visit to Salford Quays

    After the previous day’s torrential rain, we opened the curtains to a dull but thankfully dry morning.  After going out for breakfast our first planned activity was a visit to the People’s History Museum in Spinningfields.  We’d booked a timed entry for 11.00 a.m, and arrived promptly to look around this, the national museum of…

  • Wolfson Reading Room Manchester Central Library

    Visiting Manchester on a rainy day

    It was a dreary, damp morning as we made our way to the station for our weekend in Manchester.  Conditions were no better on our arrival and as there seemed little likelihood of the rain easing we decided to spend as much of the day as possible indoors. We were more than happy to be…
