Love Travelling Blog

Travel diaries providing inspiration for planning the perfect trip

Narrowboating on the Thames

  • Narrowboating on The Thames

    Narrowboating to Oxford

    It was just coming light as we drew back the bedroom curtains of our narrowboat which we’d moored the previous evening just below Eynsham Lock.  I prepared breakfast on board whilst the engine was being started and then we began to gather our belongings together as our narrowboat adventure was nearing its end. We slipped…

  • View of Thames from narrowboat

    Narrowboating on the Thames to Eynsham

    The day started with an autumnal mist over the river, but gladly the sun soon broke through.  After enjoying a leisurely breakfast on board our narrowboat we walked back to Sandford lock to take a photo of the pub where we’d tucked into dinner the night before (The King’s Arms). It was 9.50 a.m. by…

  • Anglowelsh River Thames Canal Boat

    Boating on the Thames to Sandford Lock

    Drawing back the curtains from our mooring on the Thames, we were greeted by clear blue skies and after a leisurely breakfast on board we decided to take a stroll around Clifton Hampden as it was too dark to see much the night before. Both the village and the Barley Mow pub (where we had…

  • Bridge along the Thames near Abingdon

    Narrowboating from Oxford to Abingdon

    We’d enjoyed a peaceful first night’s sleep tucked up in our comfy beds on board Cunningham, our 65ft narrowboat on hire from Drifters Waterways Holidays, Anglo Welsh base in Eynsham. Up first was David, my husband who performed the daily engine checks which had been demonstrated to us during the previous afternoon’s handover.  He then turned…

  • AngloWelsh Cunningham Canal Boat

    Narrowboating on the Thames

    I’ve spent many a happy hour strolling along canal towpaths and riverbanks enjoying watching narrowboats pass by.  I’ve even seen 3 of the 7 ‘Wonders of the Waterways’ yet had never been on a British narrow-boating holiday, that is until now. Our adventure started one bright and sunny October morning when we drove to the…
