Love Travelling Blog

Travel diaries providing inspiration for planning the perfect trip

City of London (Jan 2022)

  • Backyard Market, Brick Lane

    Spitalfields Market and Shoreditch, London

    Our day started with a visit to Spitalfields Market and on the way there we stopped to take a look at one of the 13 cast iron statues marking the boundaries of the City of London.  The dragon symbol is thought to have been derived from the legend of St. George. Moving on we soon…

  • HMS Belfast, London

    Churchill War Rooms and HMS Belfast, London

    We began the day with a visit to the Churchill War Rooms hidden behind the streets of Westminster just a stone’s throw from 10 Downing Street.  The War Rooms are now part of the Imperial War Museum with standard admission £25.  (Nearest underground stations, St. James’ Park and Westminster). This was the underground headquarters where the…

  • White Tower, Tower of London

    St. Paul’s Cathedral, Tower of London & The Shard

    What fun, a weekend in London spending time being tourists in our own capital city and having an opportunity to visit some of the world’s most iconic sights.  We arrived into London Waterloo the previous evening giving us three full days to explore. After tucking into a hearty breakfast in the opulent Hamilton Hall, the…
