Love Travelling Blog

Travel diaries providing inspiration for planning the perfect trip

Moscow 2019

  • Day 7. Moscow – Sokolniki Park

    Our week in Moscow had flown by and although we hadn’t seen one flake of snow which is so unusual for December, we’d experienced a fun filled week nonetheless. After enjoying a lazy breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant where we’d been welcomed each morning by the friendly waiters and waitresses, we put the finishing touches…

  • Day 6. The Moscow Metro and Novodevichy

    Our first stop of the day after breakfast was to the Vorobyovy Gory metro station located on a bridge over the Moskva river making it the only station on the network to have windows.  Vorobyovy Gory is often used as an exhibition space and during our visit there were displays of fashion items in circular…

  • Day 5. Moscow Lubyanka district

    After a leisurely breakfast we took the metro to Lubyanka to make a return visit to the Central Children’s Store next door to the station.  It had only been open about 40 minutes and few people were about as we took one of the lifts to the top floor to visit the Museum of Childhood.…

  • Day 4. Moscow VDNKh Park

    After the previous morning’s disappointing egg order, I managed to achieve success by showing the chef a photo of some fried eggs on my iPad. She seemed to understand, smiled, and then served up some delicious, runny yolks for me to dip my toast into. Eventually we were ready to embark on a day’s sightseeing…

  • Day 3. Moscow University and its metro stations

    We enjoyed another leisurely breakfast in the hotel’s executive lounge, which was lovely and quiet compared to the main restaurant across the corridor.  I started the day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice from a hand press which had a sign in front of it suggesting that it was good morning exercise.  After…

  • Day 2. Red Square and the Kremlin, Moscow

    After sleeping like logs, we tucked into a delicious breakfast in the hotel’s executive lounge where we had been invited after receiving a complimentary room upgrade.  The buffet selection was broadly similar to the main hotel restaurant but we received a more personal service from the waiting staff and were able to sit back and…

  • Day 1. Moscow – the ultimate winter break

    The previous evening I had taken the train to London to meet up with my son in Hammersmith.  We’d chosen Hammersmith as it was on the Piccadilly Line and meant we hadn’t far to trundle our large suitcases.  After a tasty meal of fish and chips we returned to the nearby underground station for a…
