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Sausalito Sign

Muir Woods and Sausalito, Northern California

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Whilst staying in San Francisco it’s possible to visit Muir Woods National Park by public transport so we made an early start from our hotel to make the most of the day.  Muir Woods lies 11 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge off Highway 101 north.  From the downtown area we boarded Bus 130 to Larkspur taking 45 minutes, fare $8 (£6.40).  This service is operated by Marin County Bus and not included in our 7 day Muni pass that we had purchased on arrival.  The bus took us across the Golden Gate Bridge and it was then a 15 minute walk to the Larkspur Ferry Terminal from the nearest bus stop.

Muir Woods Entrance and Ticket Office
Muir Woods Entrance and Ticket Office

Shuttle buses operate between Larkspur and Muir Woods at 30 minute intervals at weekends with seasonal services also available from Sausalito connecting with ferries from San Francisco (more details here).  Round trip transfers need to be pre-booked with passengers selecting an exact departure time.  The return fare is only $3.50 (£2.80) with the journey taking approximately 45 minutes depending on traffic.  Visitors to the park are then able to return on any service up until the last bus at 6.00 p.m.  I would recommend aiming to return on an earlier service as there is no mobile phone service in the park to ring for a taxi if the last bus is full.

Muir Woods Visitor Centre and Cafe
Muir Woods Visitor Centre and Cafe

Entrance to Muir Woods National Monument is $15 (£12) with daily opening hours between 8.00 a.m. and sunset.  The main activity of the park is hiking on one of the park’s trails.

Muir Woods, Visitor Entrance
Muir Woods, Visitor Entrance

Before setting off for a walk we called into the visitor centre to learn a little about the giant redwoods through a variety of exhibits.  Giant redwoods and sequoias at one time grew all over the country but today only exist along a narrow strip between Monterey and Southern Oregon.  As these forests lie in close proximity to the Pacific Ocean they are often shrouded in fog, enabling the redwoods to avoid drought by creating a damp environment and lush conditions.

Main trail, Muir Woods National Monument, California
Main trail, Muir Woods National Monument, California

There are six miles of marked trails consisting of an easy half hour long loop suitable for prams and wheelchairs to a more strenuous 90 minute hike.  Some of the trails can be extended into the surrounding Mount Tamalpais State Park for visitors wishing to enjoy a longer walk.

Canopy View Trail,, Muir Woods
Canopy View Trail,, Muir Woods

We decided to take the 5km Canopy Trail which returns to the visitor centre along the Lost Trail.  The Lost Trail is so named due to a landslide in the 1930’s.  This route started along the main trail and follows the Redwood Creek, crossing bridges on both sides of the stream.  Giant redwood trees line the trail which has a reasonably steep climb from the valley floor up to a ridge through the redwoods.  We hadn’t come equipped with our hiking boots but apart from a few steep slopes that were quite muddy, we didn’t have too much difficulty in our shoes.

Muir Woods Canopy Trail
Muir Woods Canopy Trail

The trail offers some magnificent views and until you are up close to the trees, it’s difficult to appreciate just how tall they actually are.  The redwoods in Muir Woods are not the tallest in Northern California but are still extremely tall, the tallest tree measuring 258ft.  Most of the trees are between 600-800 years old with the oldest approximately 1,200 years old.

Cathedral Grove, Muir Woods
Cathedral Grove, Muir Woods

Our hike passed through Cathedral Grove on our return which is an area of quiet contemplation surrounded by some of the oldest and tallest redwoods.  There are several benches on which to sit and take in the dramatic views and to enjoy the silence of the forest floor.

Redwood Creek, Muir Woods, California
Redwood Creek, Muir Woods, California

Before catching the shuttle bus back to Larkspur we looked in the gift shop and bought cups of coffee to drink out on the terrace.  The cafe was undergoing renovation with minimal food available on site.

Muir Woods Shuttle Bus Stop to Larkspur
Muir Woods Shuttle Bus Stop to Larkspur

From Larkspur ferry terminal we needed to cross the highway to take a bus to Sausalito as we had planned to spend the remainder of the day there.  It seemed to take quite awhile for a bus to appear but once on board, we reached the charming coastal town of Sausalito within 15 minutes.  The town is located on the northern side of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Sausalito Marina
Sausalito Marina

We were feeling hungry and when we spotted a seafood restaurant overlooking the harbour, we popped in without hesitation.  Called simply Fish, the restaurant has a large outdoor dining area with a smaller area indoors.  It was a pleasant sunny afternoon and wearing our coats, it was warm enough to dine outdoors.

Fish, Sausalito
Fish, Sausalito

We both opted to have Alaskan cod and chips and it was just as well that we were ravenous as the portions were huge.  The fish tasted very fresh and arrived served with sides of chips and coleslaw (no mushy peas in California, at least not there).

Fish Restaurant, Sausalito
Our tasty fish and chips

Feeling re-energised after our meal we followed the shoreline towards the town centre.  A short distance further on we reached Richardson Bay which is home to a large number of floating homes.  A houseboat community has been in existence in Sausalito for over a century with around 400 floating homes moored on five adjoining jetties in the marina.

Floating homes, Richardson Bay, Sausalito, California
Floating homes, Richardson Bay, Sausalito, California

Continuing further we wandered along Bridgeway Promenade where we enjoyed bay views looking out to San Francisco to one side and colourful homes nestled on the hillside to the other.

Houses clinging to the hillside, Sausalito
Houses clinging to the hillside, Sausalito

With numerous inviting cafes, restaurants, small independent shops, galleries and artisan chocolatiers it’s easy to understand why Sausalito is a popular tourist destination.  I’d definitely recommend taking the ferry across the bay or driving over the Golden Gate Bridge by bus to spend some time there.

Sausalito Pier, Northern California
Sausalito Pier, Northern California

Near the ferry terminal there’s a small pier and close by stands the town’s plaza surrounded by well tended gardens, an ornate fountain and lots of benches ideal for people watching or enjoying an ice cream.

Shops along Sausalito's promenade
 Shops along Sausalito’s promenade

Combining a visit to both Muir Woods and Sausalito enabled us to enjoy a full day out in Marin County and with careful planning we managed it all using public transport.

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51 responses to “Muir Woods and Sausalito, Northern California”

  1. junedesilva Avatar

    I would love to wander through Muir Woods beneath those magnificent trees. Sausalito looks charming, and as I have a fascination for houseboats, I’m sure I would have enjoyed Richardson Bay.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      I’d highly recommend visiting both Muir Woods and Sausalito from San Fransisco. Both beautiful !

      Liked by 1 person

  2. WanderingCanadians Avatar

    Muir Woods looks like a great spot to enjoy nature that’s relatively close to San Francisco. Those are some tall trees!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Muir Woods National Monument was a beautiful place to visit from San Francisco and it was great we could get there quite easily by public transport Linda

      Liked by 2 people

  3. SmushDive Avatar

    Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 2 people

  4. ThingsHelenLoves Avatar

    Muir woods looks wonderful, great that it is accessible by public transport. Sausalito looks like the classic American town from a TV show, very pretty!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It was great to be able to visit Muir Woods without needing to hire a car and definitely worth the effort of taking a couple of buses each way to get there. Combining our day with spending time at Sausalito was lovely too, I liked its setting and the style of buildings not to mention the fish and chips!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. grandmisadventures Avatar

    Those trees are simply incredible! I would love to visit there and be lost on the trails for a few days. Follow it up with cute houses and fish and chips and it makes for a perfect dat 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Visiting Muir Woods was lovely walking beneath the tall trees in the silent forest and then tucking into fish and chips by the sea was the perfect finale!

      Liked by 3 people

  6. NortheastAllie Avatar

    Muir Woods is so gorgeous, and it is amazing to think about how long the trees have been there. The homes look so beautiful in Sausalito too!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It was the perfect combination spending most of the day at Muir Woods looking in awe at the giant redwoods and then eating fish and chips by the sea in Sausalito and all achieved used public transport too!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. shane harrison Avatar

    Fish and chips look lovely, especially without those ghastly mushy peas! Worth the journey, which is most interesting, Marion.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks Shane, the combination of Muir Woods and seaside Sausalito was perfect (not to mention the fish and chips).

      Liked by 2 people

  8. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    Muir Woods seems like such a peaceful and green place to just relax (and, of course, walk). The redwoods are beautiful (I remember them from our visit to New Zealand). Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful trees – it’s amazing how tall they are, right? Yum, your fish and chips look delicious (generous portions indeed). And Sausalito is a pretty place – the floating houses are always interesting to see.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Lyssy In The City Avatar

    Those redwoods sure are amazing! I’d love to wander through. Those fish and chips also look pretty great!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It was great being able to visit Muir Woods by public transport and then round up the day with fish and chips in lovely Sausalito Lyssy.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. ianscyberspace Avatar

    I loved my visits to SFO. Such a beautiful environment though there are some spots on the bay by the water that are a bit tacky. Always enjoy visiting the redwoods and its sad to think we tourists are a danger to the preservation of those noble giants.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It was a lovely day spent both at Muir Woods and Sausalito. There are indeed some lovely places to visit around the Bay area Ian.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. kagould17 Avatar

    Well worth the visit Marion. We have also biked over to Sausalito and back via: the Golden Gate. Muir Woods is well worth a visit. Thanks for sharing. Allan

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It’s great that you’ve cycled over the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito. That must have been a fun experience.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. kagould17 Avatar

        It was in the days when our knees still worked and we were on manual bikes. It was amazing to be able to stop and look at the views from the bridge.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

          I know exactly what you mean!

          Liked by 2 people

  12. restlessjo Avatar

    Sounds like a great day out, Marion. Those trees are magnificent, and heck, that was a good plateful of fish and chips! I like the look of the boating community.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It was a splendid day combining a visit to the awe inspiring Muir Woods with fish and chips on the beachfront of Sausalito. Hope your weekend is going well and thanks for commenting.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. restlessjo Avatar

        On the slow road to recovery, hon. Enjoy your weekend too!

        Liked by 2 people

  13. Travtrails Avatar

    Muir Woods and Sausalito….still on my fav places list even after 20 years

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      They are both beautiful to visit and made for a splendid day out. Thanks so much for your interest and comments.

      Liked by 2 people

  14. travelling_han Avatar

    Oh wow, how special to be able to see these incredible trees up close. You’re really making me push SF higher up my ‘must visit’ list 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It’s difficult to appreciate their height until you are stood among the giant sequoias. Definitely a memorable day spent in the Bay Area.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. zicharon Avatar

    We went to Muir Woods over 40 years ago. This brought back great memories. I think it is time to go again!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      I’m so pleased this post brought back fond memories of your own visit to Muir Woods all those years ago. Hopefully you’ll be able to get back there before too long! Thanks so much for your interest and for taking the time to comment.

      Liked by 2 people

  16. Karen Avatar

    The Muir Woods and Sausalito do make for a wonderful side trip from San Francisco. I’m glad that you enjoyed your visit. I was surprised about no phone reception in the park, that certainly can create a problem.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Combining Muir Woods with Sausalito made for a lovely day out and with our careful planning using public transport it all worked well and came out far cheaper than taking an organised tour from San Fransisco.

      Liked by 2 people

  17. Monkey's Tale Avatar

    I would love to take a walk through those tall red woods. I’ve been to Sausalito but didn’t get to Muir Woods. It looks like a great park and great that it’s access public transportation. Maggie

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Being able to visit Muir Woods by public transport was a real bonus and with good weather we enjoyed hiking a couple of the trails. During the summer season a bus leaves from Sausalito making it even easier. Hope you get to experience the giant redwoods sometime Maggie.

      Liked by 2 people

  18. I’ve Bean Travelling Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this. I am planning a trip to San Francisco area in a few months and I will have to add Muir Woods to my itinerary!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Oh yes you must, Muir Woods is so beautiful and a complete contrast to the bustling city centre of SF. During the summer months you can also get there by bus from Sausalito making it a bit quicker and easier.

      Liked by 2 people

  19.  Avatar

    Enjoyed reading and the photos! A few years ago we were visiting San Fransisco and actually drove our rental car to Muir Woods, but because of a previous schedule, we didn’t have time to enter the park. My wife, Helen, and I often wondered what we missed. Thanks for showing us the Parks’ beauty!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It’s my pleasure, I do hope you get an opportunity to visit Muir Woods sometime as it’s a very special place. Thanks for your interest and comments.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Sheree Avatar

    Delightful day out!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks Sheree, with careful planning we made it to Muir Woods without needing to hire a car or join an organised trip. Sausalito was delightful too!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sheree Avatar

        I applaud careful (and thorough) planning

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Sheree Avatar

            Doesn’t it just!

            Liked by 2 people

  21. Rebecca Avatar

    Despite having visited SF, I never did make it to Muir Woods. I’ve heard great things about it, though, as you’re one with nature, with some of the oldest, tallest trees in North America. I’m glad that the fish n chips you got in the US lived up to your expectations (sans mushy peas). Can’t wait to read more of your adventures in CA!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks for your continued interest in this series of posts Rebecca. It was great that we made it to Muir Woods without having to hire a care or join a tour group and the effort was definitely worthwhile to wander beneath those tall, ancient trees. Sausalito was lovely too, the perfect end to our day out in Marin County.

      Liked by 2 people

  22.  Avatar

    As the crow flies, Muir Woods is one mile from my Mill Valley childhood home. We used to walk through it on our way to the beach in summers. And Sausalito was one town in our regional high school. Even as a kid, I knew it was a special place to live!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      What a wonderful place to grow up. We enjoyed the best of days marvelling at the giant sequoias and then enjoying the smart, seaside vibe of Sausalito. Thanks so much for your interest and comments.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Lookoom Avatar

    Walking past giant sequoias is humbling, whether it’s because of their size or age, and it brings a great deal of respect. It’s a pity that the pioneers didn’t have this perspective and cut down so many of these magnificent trees without realising that they would never grow back to their equivalent in their lifetime.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      It was a wonderful experience to leave the city behind and to wander through Muir Woods marvelling at the ancient sequoias. Thanks for your interest and valued comments.

      Liked by 2 people

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