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Tapiola Central Pool, Espoo

Day trip from Helsinki: Tapiola, Espoo

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There are so many lovely places to visit in Helsinki and the surrounding area and one of my favourites is to spend a day in neighbouring Tapiola.  With the opening of the western extension of the metro it’s now possible to reach Tapiola from the city centre in only 15 minutes.  A one day ticket covering zones A and B costs just €8 with tickets for longer periods offering even better value.  More details can be found here.

Tapiola metro station, Espoo, Finland
The platform of Tapiola metro station

Tapiola was designed as a garden city and constructed during the 1950’s and 1960’s, it’s name being derived from Tapio, the forest God of Finnish mythology.  The city’s architecture and landscaping combining urban living in natural surroundings brought worldwide fame for Finnish urban planning.

Tapiola, Finland
The centre of Tapiola

On exiting the orange metro train in Tapiola station we were greeted by a large white sculpture standing on the platform.  It’s called “Emma leaves no trace” and was created by Kim Simonsson.  This forms part of an installation of colourful handprints spread around the metro station and is linked to the EMMA museum of Modern Art which is one of the cluster of four Tapiola museums that we had come to visit.

Tapiola, Espoo, Finland
The central pool, Tapiola

Before heading to the museum quarter, we enjoyed a walk through the centre with its attractive central lake and fountains which are just five minutes walk from the metro station.  It looked blissful during our autumnal visit and in winter the pool is transformed into a winter wonderland ice rink with a 330m skating track around the pool.

WeeGee Exhibition Centre, Tapiola, FInland
The WeeGee Exhibition Centre

As Tapiola is home to several museums which are all close together, we’d planned a cultural day out in Espoo.  It was only a 15 minute walk to the WeeGee Exhibition Centre which is home to two of these museums, a cafe and museum shop.  Entrance is €20 (free each Friday after 5.00 p.m.) and covers admission to the Espoo Museum of Modern Art (EMMA) and Espoo City Museum KAMU.  The WeeGee building was constructed in the 1960’s for the Finnish printing company Weilin and Göös as their new print works, now owned by Espoo City Council it has been a museum and exhibition centre since late 2005.  From the photo above you can see the original logo above the door of the Weilin and Göös company.

KAMU, Espoo City Museum, Tapiola
KAMU, Espoo City Museum

The museums open at 11.00 a.m. and we decided to visit the Espoo City Museum KAMU first as it was on the ground floor.

A trip through time exhibition, KAMU, Espoo City Museum, Tapiola
‘A trip through time’ exhibition, KAMU, Espoo City Museum

It’s galleries document Espoo’s history and include a splendid exhibition entitled ‘A trip through time’ starting from Stone Age hunter gatherers through to bringing visitors up-to-date with the city’s ultra modern technology centres.

Room layout, Espoo City Museum, Tapiola
One of the room layouts in the Espoo City Museum

After finishing looking around the City Museum we went upstairs to explore EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art.  This vast 5,000 square metre exhibition space is the largest of any museum in Finland and displays contemporary art from both Finland and overseas.

In Search of the present installation, EMMA, Tapiola, Finland
‘In search of the present’ installation, on display in EMMA

Temporary exhibitions taking place during our visit included ‘In search of the present’.  This looks at the work of 16 contemporary artists who have been exploring the relationship between nature, technology and human thought.

Chiharu Shiota, installation, EMMA, Tapiola
Chiharu Shiota, installation on criss-crossing threads

Also exhibiting was Chiharu Shiota, a Japanese artist who has created an immersive installation consisting of crisscrossing threads.  We were able to walk through the maze of yarn which encloses a sequence of old doors through the work.

Futuro House, WeeGee Centre, Tapiola, FInland
The Futuro House outside the WeeGee Building

From the large windows overlooking woodland we spotted a very strange yellow object that looked like something from outer space.  It’s actually Futuro House, a plastic yellow house that was originally designed as a ski lodge in 1968.  The house hit the headlines both in Finland and overseas but was thought too peculiar and expensive to go into mass production.  Today around 65 space age Futuro houses remain in various corners of the world with one of them here in Tapiola.  Futuro House is only open to the public during the summer months so we were unable to take a look inside on this occasion.

Bistro O Mat, Tapiola, FInland
Bistro O Mat, Tapiola

With more museums to visit later, we decided to take a break for some lunch and headed to Bistro O Mat restaurant located on the third floor of the Ainoa shopping centre.  Don’t let the fact that this restaurant is housed within a shopping mall put you off dining there as it’s very stylish.  It was just as well that we had made a reservation as even on a Tuesday lunchtime people without bookings were being turned away.

Bistro O Mat, Tapiola, Espoo
Bistro O Mat, Tapiola

Lunch includes an appetising buffet salad and our mains of beef fillet and fried Muikku with new potatoes and dill sauce were beautifully presented and tasted just as good as they looked.  Muikku are small fish commonly found in Finnish lakes and taste delicious served breaded with rye flour and fried in butter and oil creating a flavoursome crunchy texture.

Muikku with new potatoes, Bistro O Mat, Tapiola
My Muikku served with new potatoes

We couldn’t resist a dessert and our crème brûlées accompanied by scoops of lemon sorbet were light and refreshing.  Service was friendly and relaxed making it easy to see why it’s such a popular place to enjoy a meal in Tapiola.

Stockmann, Ainoa Shopping Centre, Tapiola
The branch of Stockmann in Ainoa

We then had a look in some of the shops in the attractive Ainoa Shopping Centre including the Stockmann department store which has a sizeable branch there before heading back to the museum quarter to visit the other two museums.

Kruunu, The Finnish Museum of Horology and Jewellery, Tapiola
The entrance to Kruunu, The Finnish Museum of Horology and Jewellery

Firstly we explored the Finnish Museum of Horology and Jewellery – Kruunu which is dedicated to timepieces and the history of measuring time.  The museum’s collections have their origins in 1944 when the Finnish School of Watchmaking was founded.

Alarm clocks on display in Kruuna, Tapiola
Alarm clocks on display in the museum

The museum’s mission is to increase the appreciation of craftsmanship and crafts and to show what it takes to make a piece of jewellery or watch. The ‘Made in Helsinki’ exhibition displays approximately 40 mechanical watches of Sarpanevauhrenfabrik (S.U.F.) from two decades and offers an insight into the highly skilled Finnish watchmaking tradition.

Leikki Museum, Tapiola
Leikki Museum

Next door is the larger Leikki – Museum of Play dedicated to childhood, toys and play.  This museum offers interesting, nostalgic experiences for all ages and is the only one in the country to focus on childhood and play.  The main exhibition ‘Laboratory of Play’ centres on childhood over different eras and throughout this fun museum there are opportunities to feel like a child once again surrounded by the large collection of toys and games.

Dolls on display in Leikki, The Museum of Play, Tapiola
Dolls on display in the museum

There’s a recreated toy shop with an old fashioned till, a dolls house made by a child living in the neighbourhood, cuddly toys, hands-on activities and lots of fun for all.  We slipped off our shoes and knelt on the floor enjoying playing with some of the games and it was an enchanting way to end our visit to Tapiola.

Leikki, Museum of Play, Tapiola
Activities in the Museum of Play

I’d highly recommend planning a visit to this part of Espoo as, in addition to Tapiola’s cluster of museums there are scenic walking paths beside the sea to be enjoyed too.

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Leppävaara and Glims Farmstead Museum, Espoo

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During our visit we were guests of Visit Espoo and as always, all views and opinions are entirely my own.


36 responses to “Day trip from Helsinki: Tapiola, Espoo”

  1. NortheastAllie Avatar

    This looks like an amazing trip, and Finland seems amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks Allie. Finland is a beautiful country to visit and Helsinki and its neighbour Espoo are lovely being surrounded by nature.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. ianscyberspace Avatar

    That was a very enjoyable illustrated trip. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thank you for taking an interest in this post.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Rebecca Avatar

    A lovely day trip, indeed! There’s definitely a lot more to Finland than just Helsinki, as evident in these smaller towns. Your visit to Espoo looks very educational and charming, especially with those toys in the end! Never heard of muikku, and it’s surprising to see them relatively large and served whole…hopefully, there weren’t too many bones to pick out! Glad you had a wonderful time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      We enjoyed a great time in Tapiolla exploring the town, visiting the museums and enjoying a tasty lunch. Those Muikku are delicious and there weren’t so many bones to contend with!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. grandmisadventures Avatar

    I love the modern look of this city! Museums that start at the beginning of time and work their way through the centuries always give such a fascinating look at the change of things. All the museums look really fun and interesting to explore. Delightful tour of this fun filled city 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks so much for your interest in my day exploring Tapiola. I do hope that you get an opportunity to visit Finland one day!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Stella Avatar

    I love muikku (vendace). It’s a shame they seem to be unknown/unavailable outside Finland (though plenty of people will try and tell you that they are sardines – they are not). Feeling the need for another trip to Finland sometime in the not too distant future, especially as you’ve highlighted somewhere we didn’t get to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Muikku are delicious and so much tastier than sardines, I definitely agree Stella. Hope you get back to Finland sometime as it’s such a beautiful country at any time of year.


  6. 100 Country Trek Avatar

    Mario Tapiola was site we haven’t visited..very interesting. Thanks Anita

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Hopefully you can take the metro to Tapiola the next time you are visiting Helsinki Anita.


      1. 100 Country Trek Avatar

        We will add this to our list. Anita

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

          That’s great to read Anita. I’m certain you would enjoy visiting Tapiola.


  7. Lyssy In The City Avatar

    Looks like a great city to visit! I’m always amazed by how much cleaner the metro stations are than the subway.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Everywhere you go in Finland it’s spotlessly clean and the Helsinki metro is no exception. The garden city of Tapiola is great to visit too with its parkland setting, museums and nice places to eat. Thanks so much for commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. travelling_han Avatar

    It looks like a really interesting city – though I don’t think I could eat that Muikku!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Tapiola is such a lovely place to visit from Helsinki contrasting beautifully with the capital. The Muikku are very tasty so maybe you could try a tiny bit sometime!


  9. Mike and Kellye Hefner Avatar

    I enjoyed your visit to Tapiola, Marion. The museums would be something I would love to see in this modern city. And I rarely pass by a mall without stopping for a few minutes. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Thanks for your interest Kellye. Tapiola is such an attractive town surrounded by nature and with its museums, restaurants and shops – a perfect day out.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. kagould17 Avatar

    I can see that the garden city design has held up well. What a beautiful setting and the buildings reflect that too. You have just given me one more reason to go visit Helsinki. I love cities with mass transit that gets you out to the smaller centers. Thanks for sharing Marion. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      I’m certain you would love visiting Finland Allan and it’s also a cyclists paradise with safe lanes everywhere!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. WanderingCanadians Avatar

    You had me at the part where Tapiola was designed as a garden city. Sounds lovely. It seems like there are so many different and diverse museums to explore. The Museum of Play sounds like it would be a blast from the past. How fun to relive moments and memories from your childhood.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Tapiola was a splendid day out from Helsinki and we enjoyed visiting the museums, wandering around the city centre and lake and of course enjoying a delicious lunch too! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, it’s much appreciated

      Liked by 1 person

  12. ThingsHelenLoves Avatar

    What a beautiful place, fabulous to visit but also looks like the quality of life for residents must be amazing. I’d love to explore Finland, such a beautiful and diverse place.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Oh you really must make it over to Finland sometime Helen. It’s so beautiful with its many lakes and forests. Even in Helsinki, nature is close by and easily walkable from the city centre! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, it’s much appreciated. Marion


  13. ourcrossings Avatar

    Looks like you had a fun-filled day at Tapiola. I didn’t know there was such a thing as Finnish Forest Gods, but then again I am shouldn’t be surprised given that more than 75% of Finland’s land area is covered by forest. If only other countries could follow Finland and achieve a balance between intensive industrial use of forests and sustainability. Thanks for sharing and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Finland is one of my all time favourite countries and spending the day in Tapiola was so interesting. I just adore being amongst all the forests and crystal clear lakes there.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Zeal Avatar

    Wow! Amazing! Finland does have a lot of beautiful places

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Exactly, Finland is such a beautiful country with so many nice places to visit. Tapiola is very close to the capital Helsinki but quite different in style and definitely worth a visit! Thanks for taking the time to comment.


      1. Zeal Avatar

        Thanks for sharing this post Miss 💚

        Liked by 1 person

  15. leightontravels Avatar

    Tapiola looks very interesting Marion, I would definitely give the Muikku a go.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Those small Muikku fish are so delicious Leighton, I could eat them every week. Tapiola is a lively town p, so near to Helsinki yet quite different. Thanks for reading and commenting. Marion

      Liked by 1 person

  16. wetanddustyroads Avatar

    I can see why you love going to Tapiola – it’s a museum mecca! Ha, I recognised one or two dolls in the Museum of Play … I wonder whether this makes me old 😉.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Little Miss Traveller Avatar

      Tapiola is so close to Helsinki and yet quite different. We enjoyed a lovely day there and Ali also spotted some toys and games that I used to play with.

      Liked by 1 person

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