Love Travelling Blog

Travel diaries providing inspiration for planning the perfect trip

Chesterfield & The Peak District

  • Heights of Abraham cable cars

    Heights of Abraham and Crich Tramway Village

    There are no end of lovely things to see and do in Derbyshire and we’d saved two of the Peak District’s top attractions for our final day.  Our morning started with a 25 minute journey to Matlock Bath to visit the Heights of Abraham hilltop estate. Parking is available at the nearby railway station and…

  • Barrow Hill Roundhouse

    Barrow Hill Roundhouse and a Chesterfield canal cruise

    After enjoying a delicious breakfast of eggs benedict at the CASA Hotel in Chesterfield it was just a three mile drive to the Barrow Hill Roundhouse Museum at Staveley.  This 19th Century Grade II listed building is the last remaining operational railway roundhouse in the United Kingdom. The Roundhouse was constructed in 1870 by the…

  • Tudor Buildings, Chesterfield

    Hardwick Hall and Chesterfield, Derbyshire

    I’ve enjoyed numerous weekends in the beautiful Derbyshire Peak District but this was the first time that I’d had an opportunity to visit during the warmer, summer months. We made an early start one Saturday in July and after travelling down the M1 in bright sunshine we arrived at Hardwick Hall just as it was…
