Love Travelling Blog

Travel diaries providing inspiration for planning the perfect trip

Edinburgh December 2019

  • Bruntsfield, Edinburgh

    Day 4. Edinburgh Morningside

    Although our hotel room was lovely and quiet there was no need to set an alarm as each morning we were roused from our slumbers at 8.00 a.m. sharp to the clattering sounds of a glass recycling truck emptying bins along the road. With so many nice things we wanted to fit into our Edinburgh…

  • National Mining Museum of Scotland

    Day 3. Visiting the National Mining Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh

    The rain clouds of the previous day seemed to have vanished but had been replaced by a strong wind so we wrapped up warm and after coming to life with bacon sandwiches and coffee, we wandered along Princes Street to visit Jenners. This famous department store has been part and parcel of Edinburgh’s history since…

  • Edinburgh's Royal Mile

    Day 2. Exploring Edinburgh’s Royal Mile

    After the lovely sunny weather we’d experienced the previous day, it was a little disappointing to wake up to a dark, gloomy sky accompanied by rain soaked pavements. Still, undeterred we braved the elements to find somewhere for breakfast. After being brought back to life with two cups of coffee and my favourite smashed avocados…

  • Edinburgh's Christmas sign

    Day 1. Edinburgh at Christmas

    It had been exactly three years since my last visit to Edinburgh and as it’s one of my favourite cities, that was far too long. So, to remedy the situation, we managed to squeeze in a short break to the Scottish capital just before Christmas.  We travelled on a Cross-Country train that was over-crowded all…
